Debating Ethical Dilemmas in the Classroom



The classical approach to education, which focuses mostly on receptive learning, no longer meets our needs. In this age of mass media we require our students to be critical thinkers and active participants in civil society. There’s no better way to develop an active role in society and a critical stance than the art of debating.

This book has been edited by Floris Velema, Devin van den Berg en Natascha Kienstra. The contributing authors are Matija Pušnik, Lucija Ivanuša, Floris Velema, Devin van den Berg, Torbjørn Gundersen, Marcel Becker, Ivan Kolev, Ricardo Gutiérrez Aguilar, and Stelios Virvidakis.

Druknummer: 1
Aantal blz: 272
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
NUR: 730, 132
ISBN: 978-90-832623-8-3

Gewicht0,462 kg
Afmetingen20,1 × 14,1 × 2,2 cm
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