1. Frederik van Eedenlecture 2011, held at the International School of Philosophy on the 4th of September 2011.

    # vimeo.com/28762182 Uploaded 4,442 Views 0 Comments
  2. Vittorio Gallese is one of the leading experts on mirror neurons in the field of neurosciences. Mirror neurons are cells in the brain that fire when an animal acts or observes the same action performed by someone else. This mirror effect of actions activates motoric responses that allow the individual to react responsively to the stimulus as if it was its own action. Galleses' findings allow for intriguing questions for philosophy such as: what implications do mirror neurons have for ethical questions, aesthetics and interpersonal relations?

    # vimeo.com/22968671 Uploaded 1,076 Views 0 Comments
  3. Lecture by Peter Singer on animal ethics and strategy for the animal movement. Held at the International School for Philosophy (ISVW) in the Netherlands on the 28st of May 2011.

    # vimeo.com/28818521 Uploaded 430 Views 0 Comments
  4. The Canadian philosopher Paul Dumouchel explains how violence legitimises the state and how the state monopoly on violence gets blurred in the global network society. This lecture, held on 22th of January 2011, is part of the Zeitgeist-programm of the ISVW, Freedomlab, and Vrij Nederland.

    # vimeo.com/19111033 Uploaded 992 Views 1 Comment
  5. First Frederik van Eeden Lecture by Francis Fukuyama, organised by the International School for Philosophy in The Netherlands. Fukuyama's theme is trust in society and economics.

    # vimeo.com/15275013 Uploaded 1,269 Views 1 Comment

International School of Philosophy


Lectures held at the International School for Philosophy in the Netherlands

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